Consultant – Making Advances to Eliminate Child Labor in More Areas with Sustainable Integrated Efforts (MATE MASIE)
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- Company: Winrock International
- Location: Ghana
- State: Ghana
- Job type: Temporary
- Job category: Consulting Jobs in Ghana
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Job Description
Assignment: Household Vulnerability Assessment
Reports to: MATE MASIE Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Officer
Location: Ashanti Region, Ghana
Duration: February-May 2022
Background: Winrock International is a nonprofit organization that works with people in the United States and around the world to empower the disadvantaged, increase economic opportunity, and sustain natural resources. Winrock is implementing the four-year, Making Advances to Eliminate Child Labor in More Areas with Sustainable Integrated Efforts (MATE MASIE) project. The project is funded by the United States Department of Labor (USDOL) and will strengthen capacity, connections, and accountability across child labor enforcement and monitoring within cocoa cooperatives in Ghana and will build the capacity of cooperatives to support vulnerable member households directly and by linking their members with other service providers.
Rationale and Objectives: This assessment serves the following purposes:
- Secure information/data on the resources and needs of households within relevant cocoa cooperatives which are at-risk of or engaging in child labor and how existing services to those households can be strengthened. This data will enable the cooperatives to deliver targeted social protection, child labor remediation, and livelihood services to those households and/or link members households to external service providers. This assessment will enable the project to have data and information on different types of households in order to make activities as responsive as possible to their unique needs.
- Establish reliable baseline level for the following project indicator: Number of vulnerable households provided with social protection and/or child labor remediation services by grantee co-ops.
Research Questions: The household vulnerability assessment should seek to answer the below research questions. When answering these questions, the individual or firm/organization should present specific analyses for households with children. The individual or firm/organization should propose methodologies to address these questions.
- What is the socioeconomic profile of households within the sampling frame?
- What child labor risk factors are currently present in sampled households?
- What types of social protection, livelihoods, and child labor remediation services do households within the sampling frame need?
- To what extent can households within the sampling frame access these types of services?
- What types of services are needed by the relevant households, especially female members of the households, but are not available and/or cannot be accessed? Why are these services unavailable or inaccessible?
- To what extent have the relevant cooperatives referred vulnerable household members to social protection, livelihoods, and child labor remediation services?
- Have these referrals been successful? If not, why?
- What has the referral process been like for the households? How could this process be strengthened/improved?
- Are services and training accessible to all households equally, or do certain households run the risk of being exposed to greater levels of vulnerability in accessing these services?
- Are there any barriers to child labor remediation services across different types of households?
Summary of Assignment: The MATE MASIE project focuses on strengthening the capacity of cocoa cooperatives to monitor child labor and to provide social protection, child labor remediation, and other services to their member households. Prior to initiating project activities, an assessment of the resources and needs of vulnerable member households is needed. The assessment will focus specifically on a sample of vulnerable households within Adansi South Municipal (New Edubiase), Atwima Mponua District (Nyinahin), Atwima Nwabiagya South Municipal (Nkawie), and Offinso Municipal (Offinso) district that are members of Kuapa Kokoo Farmers’ Co-operative and Marketing Union (KKFU), Cocoa Abrabopa Farmers’ Association (CAA), Kokoo Pa, and Offinso Fine Flavor Cocoa Co-operative. The sample is not meant to be representative of households within the targeted districts as a whole but within the cocoa cooperatives. The estimated cocoa cooperative farmer populations are as follows:
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